Members Join Active ‘Sections’ Relating to Substantive Areas of Law: The foundation of the BCBA is based on twenty practice area specific SECTIONS that concentrate on providing continuing legal education and networking opportunities for BCBA members that specialize in a concentrated practice area. The SECTIONS are Alternative Dispute Resolution, Appellate Law, Bankruptcy Law, Business/Commercial Law, Criminal Law, Construction Law, Elder Law, Employment Law, Family Law, Government Law, Intellectual Property Law, Probate and Trust Law, Real Property Law, Small/Solo Practice, Trial Practice, Workers’ Compensation Law and Paralegal Section. Section Leadership present opportunities to enhance your public profile among judges who are active in BCBA sections, as well as colleagues. The Young Lawyers’ Section is open to members under the age of 36 or who have been practicing less than five years. The West Area Section promotes activities in western Broward County and the Northwest Section promotes activities in the northwestern part of Broward County.
Discounted Membership for Young Attorneys: Reduced annual dues are offered to attorneys who have been a member of The Florida Bar for less than five years.
Free Membership for 1st Year Attorneys and Law Students: Free annual membership offered to first-year attorneys who are members of the Florida Bar; all Law Students are given a free annual membership.
Discounted Membership for Government Attorneys: Annual Membership Dues reduced for attorneys in government service or employed by legal-related non-profit agencies, including:
BCBA Lawyer Referral Service: Every year, 3,500 cases are referred to participating attorneys through BCBA’s Lawyer Referral Service. BCBA has a strong presence in internet search engines. Many clients come to us seeking help online. Our Referral Service is a very inexpensive opportunity to expand your client base and market your practice.
Affordably Priced CLE Seminars: BCBA Section Seminars are VERY REASONABLY PRICED! Usually presented by a panel of judges and attorneys practicing in various areas of the law, the seminars are held at the Norma B. Howard Bar Center, and most include lunch for as little as $15 to $25. Last year, over 65 CLE’s were hosted by the BCBA. Free live CLE courses are also available.
Free CLE Seminars: BCBA members can freely borrow SURVEY OF FLORIDA LAW, a Florida Bar produced set of CDs that provides 11 hours of continuing education. You can amass more than thirty free hours in your reporting period, since The Florida Bar updates the CDs every year.
Small-Solo Practice Networking Opportunities: Six times a year, dinners for Small Solo attorneys are scheduled at Dave & Busters in Hollywood. A companion Small/Solo Lunch program is scheduled at six different restaurant locations in alternating months. No persons other than attorneys (sole practitioners or attorneys in firms of four attorneys or fewer) are invited to speak. With more than one hundred attorneys in this network, your name will be published in a directory designed to be used as a desk reference for attorneys looking for colleagues with specific legal expertise. Several times a year, these lunches are sponsored, allowing members to attend for free.
Receive Informative Updates: All members receive our monthly magazine, The Barrister, containing timely articles, Case Law Updates, and Legal Marketing advice. Frequent emails are sent advising of important calendar events too.
Mentorship Program: Members are welcome to participate either as Mentors or Mentees in this exciting program designed to advance professionalism and enhance practice skills.
Enhance Your Professional Profile: All BCBA members are provided a free alphabetical listing on the BCBA website in our ‘Meet Our Members’ section, plus BCBA provides additional listings every time you join a BCBA Practice Section or Committee. Members can also enhance their professional profile by placing an extended personal website directly linked to the BCBA website.
FREE Annual Special Events and Activities: There is no charge for members to attend BCBA’s Annual Judicial Robing Ceremony and Annual Holiday Party. Other inexpensive activities include Bowling and Golf Outings. There is an event nearly every month to meet members of the local legal community. Look for announcements for our Bar-At-The-Bar social events held in local restaurants. The Young Lawyers Section of the BCBA schedules a monthly lunch at the Tower Club, with guest speakers.
Special Terms for BCBA Members for Access to Clerk’s Online Docket: Members of the BCBA can purchase access through BCBA to the online docket of the Broward County Clerk of Courts. Purchase any amount of units – NO MINIMUM REQUIRED – and any unused units will carry over for a full twelve-month period from date of purchase. No month-to-month renewal is required to keep unused units.
Member Rates for Facility Rental – BCBA’s Norma B. Howard Bar Center
Need to schedule a Firm Retreat, Mock Trial, Client Meeting or Mediation? The BCBA’s Norma B. Howard Center is conveniently located just blocks from the main Courthouse, with free parking, kitchen facilities, wireless connection and audiovisual equipment.
Open Committee Assignments: Members are welcome to join our Professionalism Committee, Legislative Affairs Committee, Publicity Committee and Pro Bono Committee that address various issues affecting the practice of law and the delivery of legal services to the public. The BCBA has other very active committees where judges and law firm leaders and experienced attorneys come together to address important issues relating to the delivery of legal services, improving practice skills and serving the needs of Broward County citizens.
TechnoLawyer: As a member of the Broward County Bar Association, you’re entitled to a free one-year TechnoLawyer Archive subscription — normally $100. The TechnoLawyer Archive is a searchable website that contains the largest collection of articles pertaining to law office management, law firm marketing, legal technology, and litigation practice, including thousands of legal product reviews and research reports unavailable elsewhere. Visit this special web page now to obtain your free TechnoLawyer Archive subscription.
Premium Access to Clerk’s Online Docket: Have you ever purchased a bunch of units and never finished using them? Purchase your units from the BCBA and you won’t have to experience that again. When you buy your units from us, you get an entire year to use them. Email Bonnie Ross at [email protected] to get more information.